How do pro golfers hit the ball so high?

How do pro golfers hit the ball so high?

What causes the golf ball to go high?

Hitting the ball extra high with the driver is generally a sign of too much backspin. This can often be chalked up to your equipment, other times to your swing, and sometimes traced to a simple flaw in your setup.

How do pros hit the ball so far?

As a whole pros hit the ball so far because they are skilled athletes and play on the best conditioned courses. Athletic golf skills maximise swing speed and therefore distance while the agronomy of the fairways means the ball runs further.

How high should you hit a golf ball?

With a driver, the average maximum height is just over 30 yards into the air. The difference in max height between clubs is just three yards. You may have noticed perusing that chart that the maximum height for each club is effectively the same: They all hover around 30 yards.

Is it better to hit a golf ball high or low?

Some of those golfers even try to hit the ball low. But today's launch monitors and the science of ball flight tells us that if you want to hit the ball farther, you've got to get it up in the air! PGA Tour pros hit the ball a lot higher than you'd think.

How do I stop hitting my golf ball high?

The three things you need to do to correct the issue of topping the golf ball is:

  1. Keep your head still throughout the backswing.
  2. Next, you need to make sure you take a divot at impact.
  3. Finally, in order to create that divot, you'll need to shift your weight forward to your front side throughout the downswing.