How long are you in recovery room after neck surgery?
You will spend 45 minutes to 2 hours in a recovery room where nurses will watch you closely. You may stay longer depending on your surgery and how fast you wake up from the anesthesia. Your nurse will watch all of your vital signs and help you if you have any side effects. You may have some discomfort when you wake up.
Once in the recovery room, some of the things you may experience include: Having the nurse administer oxygen, drain the incision site, or use a tube (catheter) to drain urine. A nurse monitoring your vital signs and surgical site. A nurse administering medications for side effects or to provide you with pain relief.
PACU stands for post-anesthesia care unit. "Post" means "after," so you can probably guess that the PACU is where you go after your operation is done. This is the "wake-up" room, and that's exactly what you'll be doing there — waking up! A nurse will be there to see how you're doing as you wake up.
Anesthesia Awareness (Waking Up) During Surgery This means you will have no awareness of the procedure once the anesthesia takes effect, and you won't remember it afterward. Very rarely — in only one or two of every 1,000 medical procedures involving general anesthesia — a patient may become aware or conscious.
These procedures below do take the longest to recover.
- Liposuction (up to three months)
- Tummy Tuck (2-3 months)
- Facelift (two months)
- Breast Reduction (two months)
- Breast Augmentation (six weeks)
- Rhinoplasty (six weeks)