How long did Jeff Kaplan work at Blizzard?

How long did Jeff Kaplan work at Blizzard?

When did Jeff Kaplan leave Blizzard?

Jeffrey Kaplan is an American video game designer and former vice president of Blizzard Entertainment, a position he held until he left the company in 2021. He designed elements of World of Warcraft and is the former lead director of Overwatch. New Jersey, U.S.

Is Jeff Kaplan working on overwatch 2?

The news in a another speed-bump in the release of Overwatch 2. Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan left the company in 2021 , marking a notable departure in leadership for the team. And now the news of Goodman's departure comes just weeks before the scheduled release of Overwatch 2 on Oct.

Why Did Jeff left Blizzard?

Not too many people know truly why Jeff left – some say he was burnt out/tired and other say it was because of disagreements with some at exec level – not sure if its Blizz/Activision HQ.