What did German soldiers call American soldiers?

What did German soldiers call American soldiers?

What did German soldiers say about American soldiers?

“The American army seems to me as fine a collection of individual physical specimens as I have ever seen. But from the standpoint of military discipline it is a mob, pure and simple. The men appear slouchy, the officers do not stand out from the men in appearance as they do in any European army.”

What did German soldiers call each other?

German soldiers also called themselves Schweissfussindianer – 'Indians with sweaty feet' – which had an interesting counterpart in a term for British soldiers: 1000 Worte Front-Deutsch (1925) states that after 'Tommy' the main German epithet for British soldiers was Fussballindianer – 'football Indians'.

What do Germans call Americans?

What did the German soldiers call the Marines?

What did the Germans call the Marines?