What is Ghana’s favorite food?

What is Ghana's favorite food?

What is Ghana’s national dish?

Fufu is Ghana's national dish, a starchy side dish, and an important accompaniment to various stews and sauce-based dishes. It is also very popular and regularly eaten throughout West and Central Africa.

What is the food culture in Ghana?

The typical staple foods in the southern part of Ghana include cassava and plantain. In the northern part, the main staple foods include millet and sorghum. Yam, maize and beans are used across Ghana as staple foods. Sweet potatoes and cocoyam are also important in the Ghanaian diet and cuisine.

What is Ghana most known for?

Gold, cocoa and more recently oil form the cornerstone of Ghana's economy and have helped fuel an economic boom. The country is named after the great medieval trading empire that was located northwest of the modern-day state until its demise in the 13th century.

What do Ghana people drink?

In urban areas cocoa drinks, fresh coconuts, soy milk, among the rest are very popular. In addition, Ghanaian distilleries produce good quality alcoholic beverages from cocoa, malt, sugar cane, local medicinal herbs and barks. Hence, Ghana has a wide variety of local beverages which pertain to various communities.