What is Ghana’s main dish?

What is Ghana's main dish?

What is the main dish of Ghana?

Fufu is Ghana's national dish, a starchy side dish, and an important accompaniment to various stews and sauce-based dishes. It is also very popular and regularly eaten throughout West and Central Africa.

What is Ghana’s favorite food?

The typical staple foods in the southern part of Ghana include cassava and plantain. In the northern part, the main staple foods include millet and sorghum. Yam, maize and beans are used across Ghana as staple foods. Sweet potatoes and cocoyam are also important in the Ghanaian diet and cuisine.

What is Ghana most famous for?

In addition to being known for its lush forests, diverse animal life, and miles of sandy beaches along a picturesque coast, Ghana is also celebrated for its rich history—its habitation possibly dating from 10,000 bce—and as a fascinating repository of cultural heritage.

What are 5 traditional foods?

5 Traditional Foods That Everyone Should Be Eating

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Scandinavian vikings had drums of cod livers fermenting by the doors of their homes.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Bone Broth.
  • Beet Kvass.
  • Kefir.