What is the point of a wife beater?

What is the point of a wife beater?

What is the purpose of a wife beater T shirt?

The wifebeater, originally called the “A-shirt,” was invented in 1935 by sock company Cooper's Inc. It was intended as an undergarment, to keep sweat from damaging men's dress shirts.

Why do Americans call it wife beater?

The term wifebeater reportedly became synonymous for an undershirt after a 1947 criminal case where a Detroit man was arrested for beating his wife to death, and newspapers printed a photo of the "wife beater" wearing a stained undershirt.

Who called it a wife beater?

James Hartford Jr.
According to Mic Media , how the A-shirt got associated with domestic violence came in the case of James Hartford Jr. in 1947. Hartford beat his wife to death and had a caption in the newspaper titled “the wife-beater.” But Hartford's crime was only one part of the equation.

Do guys still wear wife beaters?

Should I wear a wife beater under my shirt?