What will the hottest day of 2022 be?

What will the hottest day of 2022 be?

What is the hottest year 2022?

Per NOAA's data, 2022 has been the sixth-warmest year on record from January through August, with a global average temperature 1.55 degrees higher than the 20th-century average. Of the annual records, 2016 remains the warmest, but there is a less than 0.1 percent chance that 2022 manages to exceed that warmth.

What is the hottest day of summer 2022?

14 73.1°F 2022

  • The hottest temperature was 96°F on June 21 (the first day of summer).
  • The coldest high temperature was 64°F on September 10.
  • The warmest low temperature was 74°F on July 19 and August 7.
  • The coldest low temperature was 48°F on September 13.
  • The temperature climbed to or exceeded 90°F on 10 days.

What is the hottest day in May 2022?

With a high temperature of 96°F on May 12, this tied May 27, 1874, May 19, 1934, & May 29, 2018, for the 5th warmest high during the month of May.

What was the hottest day in February 2022?

The warmest day of 2022 was 60 degrees on Feb. 22.

Will 2022 be the hottest year yet?

While it seems very unlikely that 2022 will be a record warm year for the world as a whole, it still may have many more regional climate extremes in store.