Who kills Ocelot?

Who kills Ocelot?

Does Ocelot know venom snake isnt Big Boss?

Did either of them know venom wasn't the real Big Boss? Ocelot knew from the start because of the Hypnosis Therapy performed on you/Venom/Combat Doctor from GZ and himself to make you/himself THINK he's BB. Miller finds out after you complete the Truth Ending.

Who was Ocelot loyal to?

9/10 Ocelot Was In Love With Big Boss All Along While Snake Eater isn't exactly subtle about it, serving as a major part of Ocelot's development in Metal Gear Solid 3, it's a detail that's relegated to the subtext.

Was Ocelot a traitor?

Ocelot was a good guy (in a sense) in mgs1, 2 and 4. He appeared to be your enemy but what he was really trying to do was dismantle Cypher. Even in MGS4 where he appears to be a moustache twirling villain, he's trying to destroy the Patriots AI and take control away from Cypher.