Why does Zoro have 3 earrings?
The earrings are long, which I believe is an allusion to his swordsmanship. But earrings also leave a (semi) permanent mark on the body. I think the three earrings represent how deeply Zoro's three swords style is etched into his identity and how much it defines him.
1/7 The Earrings One of the very few things that have never changed about Zoro's character design is his earrings. On his left ear, he wears three identical gold earrings.
Though the design is slightly different every now and again, Zoro wears his earrings of three golden teardrops on his left ear at all times. They are signature to him like his haramaki (waist band) or his scar from Mihawk on his chest – he's had all three of these trademarks since the (roughly) beginning of the series.
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