Why is the Snyder Cut so small?

Why is the Snyder Cut so small?

Why Snyder Cut is not full screen?

Why is Zack Snyder's Justice League screen size different to other movies? Zack Snyder's Justice League is being shown exactly how Snyder intended it to be shown. This means that the film is being shown using the 1.33:1 screen ratio rather then the standard wide screen ratio of 1.85:1.

Why is the Snyder Cut in 4:3 ratio?

It's because that's the aspect ratio in which the movie was originally filmed. And because when the Zach Snyder made a deal to work on and see a release of his "Snyder Cut" of the Justice League movie, part of that deal included this format, the format in which the movie was originally filmed…

Why is the Snyder Cut so different?

Perhaps the biggest difference between The Snyder Cut and The Justice League is all the new footage. Reports say 80% of the shots in Snyder's movie are new. There's also the addition of new characters like the Joker, and new story beats that flesh out the backstory for the Flash and Cyborg.

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